To better understand the long-term impacts of sea level rise and increasing storm frequency on their community (including natural resources), Guilford, working with The Nature Conservancy, looked at the following combinations of possible future conditions:
- Scenarios: 2020s, 2050s and 2080s
- Conditions: No storm, Category 2 hurricane, and Category 3 hurricanes
- Projections: high, medium, and conservative
They then worked to identify adaptation strategies, including:
- Infrastructure improvements
- New regulations
- Environmental improvements
Finally, they worked to develop a coastal resilience action plan with short & long term strategies, such as:
- Zoning regulations
- Inland wetlands regulations
- Subdivision regulations
- Flood damage prevention section in Town Code
The Town held a series of public town meetings to build awareness of Guilford’s vulnerability and planning options.
Final Products
“Town of Guilford Community Coastal Resilience Plan Risk and Vulnerability Assessment Report”
“Guilford Community Coastal Resilience Plan”
Project Point of Contact
George Kral, Guilford Town Planner